Several weeks ago the “check brakes” light came on in our 2000 Ford Windstar. The next day the speedometer quit working, the air conditioner would only blow hot air, and the odometer only showed dashes.
After a little research, I found that this is a very common problem with Windstars. There is a switch (called the brake pressure deactivation switch) hooked to the braking system that detects when the brake has been pushed and stops the cruise control accordingly. Well… this switch is known to develop leaks, which allows brake fluid to run down into the wiring and cause a short. This blows the fuse which controls the speedometer, A/C, odometer, etc…
With a little more research I found the parts were inexpensive and it was a relatively easy DIY fix. So, here is a documentation of “what worked for me”. Hopefully anyone else with this same problem will find this helpful. Of course, differences between different model years may vary these steps somewhat. And by the way… while I hope this post helps someone, I’m not legally responsible for anything you do to your vehicle or the consequences thereof.
Your first step is to see if your fuse is blown. The fuse box which holds the fuse is located under the dashboard on the driver’s side. The green arrows in these pictures point to it:

There is a black cover on the fuse box. Holding the bottom of the cover, pull it away from the box to remove it. Now you should see something similar to this:

Find the circled fuse (#10, according to the map on the cover), and pull it out. Hold the fuse up to light to see if it is blown or not. This is the picture of my blown fuse:

This is the picture of my new fuse:

If the fuse is blown, you will need to buy a new one. I bought mine at Wal-Mart for around $2.50. Make sure you get a fuse that matches your old one. I bought a pack of ATM 10 fuses made by Buss. Here is the package:

The next step is to verify that your brake pressure deactivation switch is truly at fault. To do this you will need to remove the air filter to get access to the switch. This is a picture looking at the front of the van with the hood up:

This short video clip shows me removing the air filter:
This is what it should look like with the air filter removed:

The arrow points to the switch we are looking for (it doesn’t look like a traditional light switch). There is a cable plugged into the bottom of this switch. On mine the cable was wet with brake fluid and grime (more than normal). This is what caused the short. If yours is wet with fluid, you likely have the same issue I did.
Next you will need to get a brake repair kit. Motorcraft makes the one I bought from my Ford dealership for $18.68. The part number is XW7Z-9F924-BA. This is what it looks like:

It consisted of a new switch, an adapter cable, and a plastic tie. You can also buy it online at
Now for replacing the switch… first you need to disconnect the cable that plugs into the bottom of the switch. Squeeze the sides and pull downward and it should come off. This is a picture of me pulling it off:

Next you need to get the new switch within easy reach. This is because when you take off the old switch, brake fluid will slowly leak out. The quicker you can screw the new switch in place, the less brake fluid you will lose. My new switch had a protective orange plastic cap over the threaded end. If yours has this, take it off now. With the new switch close at hand, use a 9/16 inch open ended wrench to loosen the old switch. Here is a picture of me doing it:

Unscrew it the rest of the way by hand and quickly screw the new one back in place. You may want something under the car to catch any brake fluid which drips out. I only lost a tablespoon or two.
The repair kit should have come with a new cable. One end plugs into the new switch and the other end plugs into the old cable end. You may need to clean off the old cable a little to prevent a new short!
This is a picture of the new cable installed:

Next, you can use the plastic tie to hold back the cable in a safe place. Here is a picture of how I routed it:

My brake fluid level was down significantly from leaking, so I then added fluid to the master cylinder (the plastic tank on top of the new switch). This is a little tricky to get a funnel into, so I used a short piece of CLEAN plastic tubing to pour it in.
Now simply reinstall the air filter (don’t forget to reconnect the hose in the back!), and replace the fuse if you haven’t already.
Some sites recommend disconnecting the battery when replacing the fuse. I didn’t, but it is probably good advice.
After everything is reassembled, start the car. You should having a working air conditioner, odometer, speedometer, and no “check brake” light on your dashboard. If the brake light is still on, double check the fluid level again. Mine needed almost half a pint.
Finally here is a picture of the old part:

This procedure worked great for me and saved some money. FYI… there is an investigation ongoing which may result in Ford having to do a recall because of this issue. So save your receipts and you might get reimbursed later. For more info on the issue go to
Brandon - Thanks so much for taking the time to walk us through this! I am pretty sure I have the same problem in my 99 Windstar. I am going to go through these steps and I will report back!
Thanks again!
Brandon! You are the greatest! I got the parts from our local Ford dealership, swapped them out, and had the van back in less than 10 minutes!
At the dealership they told us that it wasn't this part that was bad, but instead it must be a wheel speed sensor. We purchased the part anyhow and you were correct! Our cruise had not been working for several months, and this switch fixed that too.
Thanks so much for posting this. Hopefully it can help others as well.
Great! Glad you got it fixed. On a side note, we just returned from a 900 mile trip and used the cruise control quite a bit. It seems to work well now, whereas before it was intermittent at best.
Brandon, thank you for the information. My 1999 windstar was doing the same thing and I found your blog when I was researching what it could be. I got the part from a local dealer for ($22) who told me to save my receipt and hinting that Ford will eventually do a recall on these. The pictures you posted were very helpfull and you saved me a lot of time. Thanks again. HP
My van did this same thing. I purchased the van, knowing that the cruise contol did not work. But shortly after purchase, i noticed that the brake light came on, even though park brake was not engaged. And the ABS light also came on and off-- or stayed on. Yesterday, my odometer and speedometer quit working, and air conditioner followed. My running light on the van and the fan motor continue to run even though the keys are no longer in the ignition and motor is not running.
I had noticed that the part you are refering to in your blog, was leaking break fluid, had filled master cylinder with fluid. but Idid not fix the problem. all of your pictures and info match up to my current problem.. my fuse located in the same place as your pictures shows is blown. I am going to use your suggestion to fix my issue hope that this brings my current issue with my vehicle to a resolution.
I used the information provided in this blog to fix the problem with my van, worked wonders!!!! Now my cruise control works. Which is even better. Part only cost me $21.00....
THANKS AGAIN--- YOU SAVED ME $$$$$ AND ALOT OF HEADACHE DEALING WITH MECHANICS>> but one bad note. my abs and park brake light is still on. i will try to reset the computer, Hopefully the light stays off, and nothing else is wrong with the braking system
Hmmm... all I can think of is to make sure your master brake cylinder has enough fluid. That might make the lights come on.
Brandon - I used your suggestion and everything went as you said it would - only now I can't get the fuse to stop blowing. Any suggestions?
Seems there is another component that needs replacing... have you looked at ? The site lists two potential problems. I only had one of the problems, but I'm wondering if the other one might be affecting you. Not sure though. Any one else have any thoughts?
Brandon, thank you so much for taking the time and trouble to put such detailed info out there for others to utilize. This latest problem was just the last straw for me with my windstar and I am so grateful the fix you described worked perfectly, now I can hopefully sell it! Ever had any problems with the heater blowing but not sending any heat in the front? Back works great and thanks to you, the a/c works perfectly again.
I did a little research on the heater problem... and this is what I found.
These links aren't showing completely in the comment so I had to wrap onto the next line...
This page tells what the problem is:
And this page tells how to fix it:
Hope that helps.
You are a lifesaver. I got into my wifes van today and was wondering what the heck was going on when I seen the Odomoter with dashes. This was such a big help!!!!!! Thanks again! Hope my cruise control works now!
Thanks so much Brandon! We had the same problem with our Windstar.After two failed diagnosis with different Auto repair shops, we decided to look for information on the internet and fortunately we found your page. Thanks for take the time to blog about your solution. You're a Good Samaritan :)
Awesome! I had all the symtoms, odometer,speedometer,cruise control and some lights did not work! I replaced the part and fuse in less than 30 min. Thanks!
Thanks. I have the F-150 Ford PU. I continue to have a "short" in the original cable, I believe. It will cause the fuse to blow. So, I figured I'd just leave the thing unplugged since I never use the cruise control. The next day the ABS brake light came on and stayed on. Then I noticed that the emergency flashers only flashed the front parking lights, but not the rear. I shut everyting off and tried it again. It seems to work. The brake lights work, but the ABS stays steady on, no flashing. Please be aware that you have NO BRAKE LIGHTS if the fuse blows on an F-150 model year 1996. Anythime you have your brakes worked on BE SURE to check your brake lights yourself BEFORE you leave because they may not see this problem. However, no more leaking of fluid is occurring. Thanks again.
Thanks. I have the F-150 Ford PU. I continue to have a "short" in the original cable, I believe. It will cause the fuse to blow. So, I figured I'd just leave the thing unplugged since I never use the cruise control. The next day the ABS brake light came on and stayed on. Then I noticed that the emergency flashers only flashed the front parking lights, but not the rear. I shut everyting off and tried it again. It seems to work. The brake lights work, but the ABS stays steady on, no flashing. Please be aware that you have NO BRAKE LIGHTS if the fuse blows on an F-150 model year 1996. Anythime you have your brakes worked on BE SURE to check your brake lights yourself BEFORE you leave because they may not see this problem. However, no more leaking of fluid is occurring. Thanks again.
Thanks Brandon. Wonderful diagnosis, great write-up and excellent illustrations.
Thanks Brandon. Wonderful diagnosis, great write-up and excellent illustrations.
THANK YOU for your most informative site! My '99 Windstar exhibited all symptoms mentioned, starting w/the death of the speedo/odometer in February '09. Two mechanics (one dealer, one independent) recommended a new instrument cluster ($500+). I googled "speedo/odometer failure + '99 Windstar" and found your site. It pays to do the homework! This week, at a grand total of $60, my Windstar came home to me with a working speedometer, odometer, A/C, rear passenger compartment fan (had its own mind lately---always on HIGH), cruise control, and automatic door locks. Plus my ABS light, formerly constantly ON, is now "quiet" again. All that happened because I asked my mechanic to replace the brake pressure deactivation switch and the blown #10 fuse, as you recommended--i even presented him with a printout of your suggestions. Lo and behold, my independent mechanic has done a bunch of these fixes on other Ford models (for which there have been recalls, but not the Windstar...yet), so it was a no-brainer for him at that point. There was minimal leakage (ie. no destroyed wiring, only some corrosion), most likely due to the colder weather here. Thanks for saving me a bunch of money and heartache. I didn't have to order repairs "cafeteria style" depending on priority---all issues were resolved with that one cheap fix! I did post a complaint with the NHTSA and encourage all others to do the same, so that Ford will take action to address this in ALL
their models. Thanks again!! Catherine
I came across this blog by accident but am sure glad I did. I have owned my 1999 Windstar for almost 2 years and the cruise control has never worked since I purchased it. Over the weekend the ABS light came on shortly but then turned itself off. The very next day I was driving and the ABS light came on, the Speedometer, Odometer, A/C and backup sensor stopped working. The outside temperature and mpg also showed error. I installed the part as shown and replace the fuse and EVERYTHING is working now - even the cruise control. Thanks Brandon!
Thank You Thank You! It went just like you said and too me only 20 minutes.You are wonderful! My sincere thanks from a girl under the hood!
Brandon - Thanks you very much, a friend of mine has the same problem bless you.
Brandon thank you for your input a friend of mine has the same problem and your input was very heplful and i will advise her to check about recalls. Kevin Florida
Brandon, thanks a million! I am a 56 year old woman and the extent of my car knowledge is how to change tires and also how to change the oil. I also live in Arizona so life with no air conditioning is miserable. I was able to identify the problem with my 2000 Windstar on Ford Forums and found the link to your blog there. My husband took my van to a mechanic friend of his who couldn't understand how the brake pressure switch could have anything to do with the odometer, speedometer and air and woulnd't even consider the info I had found as a viable solution. So I then went to a local Ford dealer (who by the way acknowledged the problem and said Ford is considering a recall, he advised me to save the receipt so that I could be reimbursed if they do) and for $23+ purchased a Master Brake Pressure Switch. With the help of my husband and your blog, the part was switched out in less than 20 minutes.
Again, many thanks!
Brandon! I have a 2001 Windstar and had the following symptoms:
speedometer not working
ABS light on
BRAKE light on
O/D off light flashing off and on
Mileagemeter not working (dashes)
Heater blowing cool air
I found your blog through a google search putting these symptoms in. For $25 it was worth trying to follow your directions and change the switch out myself. Sure enough, everything is working now. I'm still curious to see if the cruise control works again (it hasn't for the last year & a half), but I have to wait until I have highway driving to do to find out. Thank you so much for GREAT advice & step-by-step directions. I'm sure you saved me a whole lot of money at a time when money is at its tightest, not to mention that this is a fire-safety issue acknowledged by Ford, but Ford still won't include all the vehicles with this faulty switch in it's recalls.
Thanks so much for your excellent help!!!!
Thanks Brandon, this is awesome. Sounds like this will fix our problem. My husband will try it soon. If it works, you'll have saved us a lot of $$$. We were getting so fed up with our Windstar that we were close to getting another car. Looks like we may not have to after all. Our best to you for helping so many. Mahalo :)
Brandon, you are THE BEST!!!! I would have quickly resigned to spending hundreds on this at the dealership. My wife insisted we could do it ourselves (yes, I'm a man, but I'm mechanically retarded). We got the part and got it in and the van's back up and running! THIS IS AWESOME!!!! THANK YOU! Every step laid out in words, pictures and video! If I could put you in for an award, I would! THANK YOU!
Thank you so much Brandon!!
My husband is not a fix it car kinda guy but I found this and told him we can do it...and it was so easy.
Your step by step instruction and pictures were wonderful. Thanks for saving us so much money, worry, and time!
the pipers
It worked! My husband did as you said (took about 30 mins., cost $26) and now the speedometer, odometer, and air conditioner works. We never use the cruise control so we haven't checked that. The ABS light still went on and off for a little while but it finally went off. I'll file a complaint w/NHTSA soon. Some other problems we have is an annoying ticking sound, fuel tank gauge not working, and sticky power door locks. At one time the power window gave us problems but that's ok now. Thanks again Brandon, we're very happy with the results.
Thanks so much! I really appreciate you taking the time to help other people with this problem. We're getting the part today and I'm looking forward to having my a/c and speedometer back!
we have a 1999 and what you said totally
THANKS again.
My 2002 windstar is having the brake and ABS lights come on intermittently. When I turn the engine off and restart the lights go out. I am also having problems with my door locks not working. My windows on the drivers side front and back do not work. when I push the switch I can hear a click where the fuse box is at. I don't know if the cruise control works or not because I do not use it. Could this be the same problem you are talking about? Please any help would be appreciated.
Thanks, I have been "living" with this for a while, not having the money to bring it to a dealer to diagnose. I'm not driving it much right now anyway. The fuse is indeed blown, I may have to replace the blend door actuator as well. The part will be in tomorrow for just over $20.
Brandon - I have a 2001 ford windstar lx with the yellow abs light and red brake light coming on together and staying on. My brake fluid level is full and the switch seems to be dry. Do you think I should replace the deactivation switch to fix this problem? My cruise control and speedo work fine. Also I did file a complaint with nhtsa and is there any update on where there doing with this issue? Thanks for your help on this widespread problem...
katelk, your van sounds a lot like ours. We have had trouble with the locks and the drivers side window as well. We hear the same click come from the fuse box when trying to lower the window. I will be investigating this one soon. As far as the brake light goes... Are you having any issues with the speedometer or odometer? Does the switch seem wet at all? If not you may be having a different problem.
John, I get my status from
It looks like the NHTSA is still investigating and collecting reports.
If your brake lights are on but don't have any other symptoms, I would probably investigate other causes first.
I can't thank you enough for the time and money this will save our family. My husband will be working on this tonight. It's sad to see many Winstar owners with the same problem but Ford refuses to do a recall. Thanks to you, there are many who have been helped!
I have many of the same problems that are posted here.
My question is; How do you file a complaint with the NHTS agency?
Homer Barnhardt Sr.
Saluda, Va.
This is the URL to report the problem:
You are obviously very popular because it's true that this is a money saving and easy DIY fix. I lost my CC back during the spring of 09 and didn't know why. I just thought all cars lost theirs after a while. We haven't lost AC or speedometer or anything else but how I found the problem was by finding brake fluid on the garage floor. This is one great advantage to having a garage or car port. I didn't lose that much fluid because that was only 3 days ago but if it weren't for you information I would have probably been out a hundred or more dollars. I just had my brakes replaced about a month ago so at first I thought the mechanic had done something wrong. Anyway, you're the greatest. God Bless!!
Charles from Raleigh
Wow! I can't even begin to tell you how thankful I am! Not only was this super cheap (under $20 for us!!) but it was SO easy! I'm a 24 yr old woman who doesn't even know how to change a tire, and I did this ALL on my own! I'm very proud of myself but never could have done it without your help! You prevented us from getting the run around from mechanics. We had the exact same problems. Our cruise control had gone out months ago, then the ABS and Brake lights would come on then go off, then they came on and stayed on...then last week all of a sudden our speedometer and a/c quit working, our mileage was just dashes, our digital thermometer and compass quit working and scariest of all, the CHECK TRANSMISSION light would come on every 10 minutes and the O/D light would flash the entire time. Fixed it yesterday and everything is working perfectly. I did have to add more brake fluid too. Anyway, thanks soooo much!
Thank you so much!
I follow your steps and took me about 20 min to fix my problem. The Cruise control (hadn't been working for a Year) is working like new. The kit and fuses cost me less than $25.00 ddls.
Guess What guy? Ford did do a recall on that part. Thanks for your page. Now I know why my car was smoking whwn I plugged that blown fuse 30 in on my 98 Windstar. Here's the recall info page:
SO happy I found your blog. Took my 99 Windstar to Ford dealer, they acknowledged the recall, had my van back in 20 minutes and all is well.
It had the following symptoms:
Speedomer quit
Odometer quit
ABS light on
No cruise control (intermittent at times)
and then the heat and air went.
This fixed all of the above.
THANKS again for sharing the info!
It's ironic, I had my Windstar for 2 years and no problem. Occasionally I had to top off the brake fluid but it wasn't leaking fast so I could not find the source. The day it started giving me trouble (popping fuse 10) we got a recall notice. If it weren't for the recall notice I would have absolutely used your howto to fix this. It's great that you give such a detailed explanation with pictures too. Thanks so much for this. I wish it were this easy when I find a fix.
Great info. Used this to make repairs on my 2000 Windstar. The day I completed the work I got the recall notice in the mail. Last Saturday. Talk about timing. Now I need to see if they will refund my purchase.... One other thing. Has anyone noticed or had problems with the instruments pegging out and then dropping back into normal range after making this repair? this is happening to me and it seems to be draining my battery just slightly. Enough that I need to jump it to get it started now. Didn't happen before the repair. thanks!!
So. Had switch replaced in March by indy shop (see previous post). Received recall notice after Tgiving. Took van to dealer to "confirm correct part and install," left with documentation of same. Service manager called me later the same day to say that Ford requires dealers to replace the part for me to be reimbursed for the prior's the exact SAME PART number! Is this a dealer scam (they get paid by Ford for recall work), a legal issue (due to pending lawsuits from Windstar owners) or something else? Why do I have to have the same part installed by Ford? The recall letter does not state such and Ford customer relations has no answers---they just refer me to my local dealer?
BTW, my 99Windstar also has spastic speedo/tach/ issues---I can be parked at a stop light and register at 60mph and 0 rpm, which eventually corrects itself. Sometimes the needles jump independently to 120 (and beyond), back to 0, then to correct speed/rpm. My friends get a kick out of it but I'm curious as to the cause.
I have same symtoms(no speedometer, dashed odometer, ABS light on, no CC) but my fuse #10 is not blown. Any suggestions
i have a 2001 Windstar that appears to have the same issues. Strangely though, i lost odometer power, window power, etc, etc but the power came back in about 10 minutes. Does this seem possible? Also, just today (12/30) i started to hear an annoying clicking under the steering column and wonder if this is related. I saw a few comments about clicking noises.
Thank you so much for your help with my van issue! When my tachometer, speedometer, odometer and airconditioner all went out at the same time, I was sure that my van was headed for the junk yard! It was so wonderful to learn that a simple fix done at the dealers could fix my problem!
I took my van to the local Ford Dealer's service department and they made the corrective repairs and then called me to let me know that the repairs did not fix the problem and I would need to have further diagnostics. Because of your webpage, I knew to crawl under the dash myself and check the fuses. Just as you predicted, fuse #10 was blown. Why would the dealer's service department not have checked a blown fuse resulting from this recall and why does the recall itself not talk about any of these issues?
As a result of the first dealer not replacing a simple fuse, I decided to call another local Ford service department and ask them if other issues could have resulted from the leaky Brake Deactivation Switch (my tachometer is still not working and all went out at the same time). This service man cut me off and flatly denied that the Brake Deactivation Switch could have caused ANY of the issues I described had happened to my van. WHAT IS GOING ON?!? It is a very simple thing to understand and I am not a mechanic! Wet stuff leaks on wiring...wiring shorts...fuse blows.
So, I really have two questions:
1.) Could my tachometer still not working be caused by this same issue? My tach pointer is not laying on the left side of the tachometer as I would think it would be if it were broken or loose, it is actually buried all the way to the right.
2.) How long do you have to pursue a recall? I have not had intermittent wipers for several years and did not know there was an old recall for the wiper motor. I don't get recall notices from Ford (maybe because I am the second owner??) and I was not aware of this recall. How long do I have?
Thank you so much in advance for your help! I really appreciated your webpage and would like to get a few other issues taken care of!
Brandon. I had the exact same problem to the T. I took it to the Ford dealer today - I was out of town on business when everything started going wrong. They did the quick harness recall. However they couldn't get the gauges or the a/c to work. I replaced the fuse tonight and it's working like a charm. As soon as I get home I will be replacing the sensor. Thanks for saving me a bundle. I love the internet. It's saved me thousands on repairs over the years.
My 2002 Ford Windstar had the exact problems everyone else seemed to encounter. Speedo, odometer, and a/c stopped working on a 2 hour trip out of town on business this morning. Thanks to your help....and not the local Ford Dealer which I spent 2 hours at today I was able to fix the problem by replacing the fuse temp until I can get the sensor replaced next week. Thanks for saving me a bundle!! I appreciate your in depth post. The help of others on the internet has saved me thousands and usually saves me tons of money and hours of heartache. Thanks again!
Ditto to all these comments, Brandon. I had this problem and your guide is the best on the net! Thank you so much!
Ford should be paying you!
Thank you so much for taking the time to put this Blog together. We have a 2002 Windstar and my boys came home last night and told me the odometer, speedometer and A/C will not work. I went out check the fuses replaced the blown one and everything came back but it blew again this morning. So, I searched the internet and came across your blog!!! Thanks again for posting. Since it is 100 degrees here and no relief in sight, I am calling the dealership to see about getting it covered under the recall. Mike
Thank you so much for taking the time to put this Blog together. We have a 2002 Windstar and my boys came home last night and told me the odometer, speedometer and A/C will not work. I went out check the fuses replaced the blown one and everything came back but it blew again this morning. So, I searched the internet and came across your blog!!! Thanks again for posting. Since it is 100 degrees here and no relief in sight, I am calling the dealership to see about getting it covered under the recall. Mike
My sister has been having problem with her 1999 windstar, ABS light, speedometer not working. I came across this as possible problem. I want to replace it to see, but is the part also called an oil pressure switch? I was checking various car part sites and it looks very similar to it.
joe, not sure but I don't think they are the same part. The needed piece is checking the pressure of the brake fluid and not oil.
great help brandon! i had this problem with my 2000 ford windstar in washington dc and your tip fixed the problem perfectly!
This looks exactly like what I need. I replaced the fuse twice, did some research, and came across this article. Excellent Brandon. My switch looks nasty with brake fluid all over it. This would explain where my brake fluid has gone! I will get this done.
Its people like you that take the time to document things like this to make life just a little easier for the rest of us! Big thanks!
HOWDEE! I was going to wait for Ford to recall this but it's going to get someone killed. I'm going to replace it now. Thank You very much for your great step-by-step instructions on the switch replacement. You are the greatest! CHris from Williamsport
We just recently purchased a used 2000 Ford Windstar and are having the exact same problem. My speedometer and odometer quit working, my ABS light won't go off, and my heater blows nothing but cold air. I am so frustrated because I spent over $100 replacing the input and output speed sensors in this van and still nothing works. I just happened to be googling and found your blog post and decided to check it out. It seems like I'm not the only one with this type of van that has the same problem. My husband is contacting the Ford dealer here in the morning to get the part you stated and he is also replacing the #10 fuse as well. I really hope this cures our problem. I will let you know if this works.I want to personally thank you for creating this blog, as it has helped numerous people fix their vehicle without spending a fortune in repair bills. You are an absolute lifesaver.
Michelle Lugo-Santiago from Decatur,Illinois
had mine fixed but the a/c is still blowing hot air! Any ideas on how to fix that?
DESSERI I have the same issue you were speaking of. My better half was unscrewing the bolt and the screw broke off into the part what is a woman to do. what option does he have to get it out. Your directions was so simple but when he took off notice the part was so old.
Brandon, I have all the same symptoms, but one on my 2002 Windstar, my #10 fuse is not blown. I noticed in your images that your fuse is a 10a, mine is 15a and correct according to the owners manual. Do you suppose they recognized this issue and short term remedied it with a larger fuse?? I am going to change the switch tomorrow to see if it works...Kevin
It didn't work, cruise is back, but odometer and speedometer don't work...
Brandon, Thank you so much for the information. My 2000 ford windstar had the same problem. I followed the proccedures that you posted, and the problem was fix. Again, thank so mcuh; I apreciate your help.
Great walk-through! Very informative and easy to follow. Jus' completed the procedure.. will update on results. Thanks, Brandon!
This blog is a God send thank you so much works great =)R.bertram
This blog is a God send has helped so many people God bless ya brother Amen R. Bertram Albany,Ny
Found the right site!! My 2000 Windstar is suffering all the same issues as the others' posts list. Tomorrow I am going to check the part and the fuse. Since I'm driving 1000 miles each way on a trip in a few days, I really hope this will correct my scary issues. I figure that if I can diagnose bad motherboards, I should be able to do this fix myself eh. Thanks for the excellently written and illustrated 'repair manual.'
I took my Windstar in for the recall in 2010 and it just now started leaking brake fluid from the deactivation switch. I called the dealership and Ford Motor Co. and both are telling me I have to pay the cost to fix the problem myself since it was determined at the time I took my van in for the recall the part was still good. What is the point of a recall if in someone's "opinion" the part is good and doesn't need replaced? It appears Ford feels they were only responsible to take care of the cost for those that were fortunate enough to have a leak during the time the vehicle was initially brought in as a result of the recall and the heck with everyone else.
I can't wait until my axle blows out since ford felt expanding foam in the cavity of the rear axle was enough to keep the axle from rusting through.
They really stand behind their products . . . NOT!
FORD = Fix Or Repair Daily)
Excellent pictures and procedure description. My cruise stopped working and was quoted $250 to replace the switch and cable. I picked up the replacement at a local Ford dealership and installed it myself and now have cruise again.
I have a 99 Windstar and have never had cruise control working. The barke light comes on after enough brake fluid has leaked out of the master cylinder. Fortunetly, the person who sold me the car had disconnected the cable to the switch so no fires resulted, but the leak was still there. I also do not have hot air from my heater in the front, the rear works fine.
Unfortunately, there is no cable in the bar that the brake kit cable connects to, only 2 wirted that have been cut and taped. So, I don't knowif that is the existing cable I am looking for or not.
Anyway, I am about to replace the switch and see if that stops the brake fluid leak. I will have to do some more research on the existing cable to figure out how to repair it or find it if those 2 cut wires aren't it.
Thanks for your posting, I was about to replace the switch anyway ut was not sure how much fluid I could expect to leak out during the replacement. I really didn't want to have to bleed the brakes as it's impossible to crawl under this car, way too low to the ground.
I'll try to post my results.
Thanks again!!
Well, I got the switch replaced, took about 15 minutes, after watching the video here. Not a single problem encountered, which is extremely unusual for me, when doing any kind of repair on a car! It seems like the easier the job is supposed to be, the more things go wrong for me, maybe I'm jinxed? Anyway, I replaced the switch to see if it would stop the brake fluid leak, and yes, it stopped it cold! I even rubber banded a plastic bag around the switch and drove the car for a bit, using the brakes harder and more frequently than normal, and not even a smear of fluid inside the bag!
I looked very closely inside the engine compartment for the existing cable that the brake kit cable needs to connect to, no luck, all I find is the 2 wires that have the insulation stripped off the ends and taped to prevent sparking, I assume. I have a feeling the connector was removed from those wires and they are in fact the wires I need to connect the cable to. I'll try to find out for sure and see if I can get a new connector for it that will allow me to connect the cable to it.
Hopefully, if I can get that done, I will have cruise control and maybe even front heat, which blows cold right now, the rear heat is fine.
I'll post again as soon as I make some more progress on the cable/wires.
My 2000 windstars speedometer and rpms dont work the abs light is on but the duses are good my atm 25 was blown i changed it and it still didnt help the speedometer, ive been noticing a few teaspoons of brown liquid under where i park , but i dont see grime or residue from brake fluid on my brake kit
Whenever I buy a car, one of the first things I ask to see is all the paperwork for the repairs they've had, including the oil changes. I'm always surprised at how little work people have done. But, if everything else seems to be in order, then I often buy the car. Then I take it to my Insurance Car Crash Repair ( ) if there are still some scratches to be fixed.
I just bought a (really) used 2000 Ford Windstar (190520 mi) it had no cruise control, and has a stuck tachometer. It flashed the ABS light after awhile. But thanks to your detailed and comprehensive post I fixed most of it (haven't looked at or changed the #10 fuse) and my cruise control is back. Thanks Brandon!
So I got the brake pressure switch in the mail today when i unplugged the old cable from the sensor and the otherside from the power source this side was corroded and it looks like I might have to hard wire a new plug in there any idea where to get this plug?
Had the same issues everyone here was talking about. No odometer, A/C gone, speedometer dead and all those damn lights. Thought I was in for another $$$ repair but came across this blog and decided to give it a try. No ford dealer near me but found the part on eBay for $18.99 new. Got it today. Took me 5 min to uncouple the air filter, with a vice grip about 30 seconds to remove the old switch, and 10 seconds to screw the new one on. Click click with new cable ends and another minute to put the air filter back on. All told took me about 5 minutes start to finish. Turned the key and felt a glorious blast of cold air from my air conditioner, no stupid lights on the dash and odometer and speedometer working fine. Thanks so much for this post and teaching YouTube mechanics like me a really quick and easy fix for what I'm sure most people think is gonna be a major issue.
Thank you so much for the blog. I own a 2001 Windstar. I only had abs light and brake light issue in addition to lost cruise control. Bought the kit on ebay for about $16.00 and did the repair. I had lots of brake fluid on the switch, surprised the fuse did not blow. In any event after the repair cruise control is working fine again although the lights issues have not gone away. I note that is an issue on many Windstars and does not seem to in itself an operational problem. My brakes work fine including the abs feature so the dash lights coming on just seems to be an annoyance.
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